Given that today, two out of five economically active youth around the world are unemployed, or work, but live in poverty, and that alone in sub-Saharan Africa, the youth population is set to double, reaching more than 350 million by 2050, creating income and employment opportunities for these young people is certainly one of the areas in most urgent need of action. We demonstrate initiatives addressing these issues from a wide range of countries throughout the world, and let representatives of development co-operation, politics, the private sector and, last but not least, rural youth give their views.
- Gen Z farmers in Indonesia – is net-zero farming attractive for rural youth? (2024)
- From fields to fortune – transforming rural youth into entrepreneurial innovators(2024)
- “We simply can’t rely on young people being only producers of food” (2022)
- Back to the soil – Tamil Nadu’s rural youth return to organic agriculture(2018)
- Supporting youth in agriculture – Evidence from Cambodia(2018)
- Time to act(2017)
- Decent jobs for rural youth(2017)
- Creating the political momentum(2017)
- “We urgently require more public and private investments”(2017)
- Africa’s rural youth speak out(2017)
- “You cannot change a system that you are not taking responsibility for”(2017)
- Is Africa’s education landscape fit for the future?(2017)
- Results-based financing brings 90,000 young people into jobs in Nepal(2017)
- Making youth gangs a bad choice(2017)
- Skilling the rural workforce – Green Colleges in India(2017)
- African youth bring innovations to farming(2017)
- “The real problem is the lack of models of success”(2017)
- “One has to be able to ride the fear of failing”(2017)
- Promoting agricultural entrepreneurship in Laos(2017)
- “Rural areas are full of opportunities for business start-ups”(2017)
- “Non-academic professions need more prestige”(2017)
- Moving jobs to people(2017)
- Child labour: an Ethiopian perspective(2017)
- Empowering youth, opening up perspectives(2013)
- Rural women in Zambia: Light at the end of the tunnel?(2012)