The Sahel Alliance's 5th General Assembly reaffirmed commitment to the Sahel region, addressing challenges like peace, security and development. Members pledged nearly 23 billion euros for projects focusing on youth,…


Rural development

India's rural communities are severely affected by the consequences of climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic.

The project "Enhancing Rural Resilience through Appropriate Development Actions" aims to improve the…


The Council of the Global Environment Facility has approved the largest work programme of projects of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization so far. Working closely on the ground with partners and countries, these…


The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres (CGIAR) have committed to strengthen their collaboration to increase food production and provide better…


China has abandoned its traditional foreign policy restraint and is playing an active role in shaping the global order of the 21st century. This analysis shines a spotlight on these changes, concentrating explicitly on…


The people of Zimbabwe are facing several problems including climate change and a deepening economic crisis. The Seeds for the Future initiative (SEFF) aims to help address this by boosting the resilience of rural…


Nepal has completed its 10,000th trail bridge with technical know-how and support from Switzerland – Swiss Development Cooperation in cooperation with Helvetas. Two-thirds of the local population benefit from these…


The social business Saving Grains was founded in 2019 in order to improve the livelihoods of small farmers in Africa. Its aim is to establish a fully hermetic grain value chain from the farmer to the food industry.…


In developing countries, the private sector generates nine out of ten jobs. It contributes to development through incomes earned by employees, capacity building and taxes paid which can be used for the provision of…


Over the course of five days, the World Food Forum featured more than 200 events spotlighting youth engagement, investment, and the role of science and innovation in agrifood systems.
