Rural 21 - The International Journal for Rural Development
Published by
DLG-Verlag GmbH
Eschborner Landstraße 122
60489 Frankfurt, Germany
Managing Director: Walter Hoffmann
VAT-ID: 114232688
Editor in chief
Silvia Richter | s.richter(at) |
Editorial staff
Olive Bexten | o.bexten(at) |
Ines Lechner | i.lechner(at) |
Patricia Summa | |
Angelika Wilcke | a.wilcke(at) |
Advisory council
Dr Lothar Hövelmann (DLG)
Elena Hofert (GIZ)
Martin Koppa (HELVETAS)
Jürgen Maier (Forum on Environment and Development)
Stéphanie Piers de Raveschoot (SDC)
Editorial committee
Dr Michael Brüntrup (IDOS)
Dr Manfred Denich (ZEF)
Dr Dorothee Flaig (University of Hohenheim)
Heike Höffler (GIZ)
Frederik Tipp (DLG)
Editorial service
DLG-Verlag GmbH
Eschborner Landstraße 122
60489 Frankfurt, Germany
phone: ++49-69-24788-0
fax: ++49-69-24788-481
Translated by
Michael Gardner
Christopher Hay
Joan Tazir
Distribution, advertising
DLG-Verlag GmbH
Eschborner Landstraße 122
60489 Frankfurt, Germany
phone: ++49-69-24788-0
fax: ++49-69-24788-481
E-Mail: dlg-verlag(at)
Implementation & Design:
Schölzel, Möhring GmbH
All rights reserved. The contents may not be translated, reproduced in whole or in part, nor may information be passed on to third parties without permission from the publisher. Please direct all correspondence to the editor in chief.
The opinion expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of the publisher. The editors retain the right to make editorial changes.
Rural 21 replaces since 2008 the journal entwicklung & ländlicher raum (1976- 2007).