Climate risks are projected to affect fish biomass around the world's ocean. Lowering emissions can substantially mitigate these impacts, benefiting nearly all regions.


Countries hardest hit by hunger and climate change are also the ones with the lowest volume of agri-food research targeting them, according to an analysis by an international research team scoping more than six million…


The Sahel Alliance, which unites the main development supporters of the Sahel region, reached agreement at its General Assembly meeting in Berlin/Germany in mid-July that new initiatives should be launched to enable…


Despite being crucial for Nepal's booming adventure tourism, porters carrying backbreaking loads face harsh conditions, low pay and health risks. This raises concerns about the human cost behind Everest expeditions.


The world is falling significantly short of achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, Zero Hunger, by 2030, this report warns. It shows that the world has been set back 15 years, with levels of undernourishment…
