Climate change

Rice quality, which is intricately connected to market value and human nutrition, is sensitive to weather conditions. However, the relative importance of the different climatic factors is poorly understood, and the…

Climate change

After two weeks of United Nations COP 29 with an almost routine extension day to reach some sort of agreement, most of the participants have gone home disillusioned, among them our author. He would like to see somebody…

Climate change

A new guide aims to help developing countries to incorporate agricultural methane reduction strategies into their climate plans.

Climate change

The UN Climate Change Conference in Baku was concluded with a new agreement on climate finance which observers have criticised for not being ambitious enough.

Climate change

A new platform will help farmers navigate the current network of agriculture-focused initiatives and programmes, supporting the development of climate-resilient villages and rural communities for adaptation action in the…

Climate change

A new FAO analysis highlights the tremendous potential of agrifood systems as climate solutions. It maps Nationally Determined Contributions and identifies opportunities, gaps and risks related to agrifood climate…

Climate change

Nations must close a huge emissions gap in new climate pledges and deliver immediate action, this report warns. Current commitments for 2030 are not being met; even if they were met, temperature rise would only be…

Climate change

At COP29 in Baku, leaders launched a new initiative to tackle the urgent nexus of climate change, conflict, and humanitarian needs. Through global partnerships and innovative solutions, the initiative aims to sets the…

Climate change

In the face of prolonged droughts due to the effects of the El Niño weather pattern, the agriculture sector in Zambia is battling for survival on the frontiers of climate change. Recently, the Zambian government even had…

Climate change

Global emission reduction efforts continue to be insufficient to meet the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. This makes the systematic exploration of so-called overshoot pathways that temporarily exceed a targeted…