Many people in the Global South have no option to earn an income enabling them a life beyond poverty, let alone a decent living. The situation is particularly volatile in Africa, for the population there will double by 2050, and every year, 25 million new jobs need to be created for the surge of young people entering the labour market. However, the far-reaching transformation which the continent has been undergoing for a number of years also opens up a wide range of employment prospects.
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- Kashmir – the revival of a dying craft(2024)
- Global cooperation is the only way to cope with the crisis(2020)
- What African farmers and processors have to say(2020)
- Mitigating labour shortages(2020)
- Putting the emphasis on girls and young women(2020)
- Africa's rapid economic transformation(2020)
- Informal household enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa – livelihoods for rural transformation(2020)
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- Demand-driven extension and advisory services – catalysing opportunities for youth in agriculture(2020)
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- Why East Africa chose to develop a regional bioeconomy strategy(2020)
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- Creating livelihoods through clean energy and agriculture(2020)
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