Food safety

A new toolbox provides information on food safety for food producers. The aim is to support small food business operators and producers in low- and middle-income countries.

Food safety programme tackling food fraud
Food safety

To safeguard the quality and geographic denomination of high-value foods, the IAEA and the FAO have developed the so-called stable isotope analysis to test for authenticity of high-quality food products.

Food safety

High levels of some of the most hazardous chemicals on Earth have been found in eggs in Agbogbloshie, Ghana. The contamination results primarily from the breaking apart of discarded electronics (e-waste) and burning…

Different rice varieties in bowls.
Food safety

Arsenic contamination in rice poses a serious health risk in many parts of the world. Now an international study has shown that husking rice before parboiling reduces arsenic content, potentially lowering the risk of…