Scientific World

Plant breeding

Plants adapt genetically over time to the special conditions of organic farming. This has been demonstrated in a long-term study conducted at the University of Bonn in Germany. The results have now been published in the…


Cocoa production

Researchers at ETH Zurich have teamed up with the food industry to produce a whole-fruit variety of chocolate. This helps increase the value creation of cocoa farming – and is healthier.



To meet the increasing global food demands and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), scientists highlight the need for combined organic farming techniques and modern biotechnology. A new study suggests that…



Global biodiversity declined between two and eleven per cent during the 20th century due to land-use change alone, according to a large multi-model study published in Science. Projections show that climate change could…


Cocoa production

A rapidly spreading virus threatens the health of the cacao tree and the dried seeds from which chocolate is made, jeopardising the global supply of the world’s most popular treat.


Plant breeding

With climate change threatening coffee cultivation, an international research team under the lead of Nestlé plant scientists are exploring how advanced data science and artificial intelligence can be leveraged to help…



Natural forest regeneration is hailed as a cost-effective way to restore biodiversity and sequester carbon. However, the fragmentation of tropical forests has restricted the movement of large birds limiting their…



Mixing livestock and crops, integrating flower strips and trees, water and soil conservation and much more – a new global study has examined the effects of diversified agriculture. The conclusion is abundantly clear –…



There can be no analysis without data. In this spirit, researchers from the University of Bonn in Germany and the Swiss Federal Institution of Technology (ETH) Zurich have published a database containing over 6,000…


Plant protection

Insects are one of the most important factors in post-harvest losses world-wide. In the face of climate change, it is necessary to monitor the invasion pathways of these pests and adapt control strategies to minimise…
