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Improving working conditions of agri-food workers
A new multi-stakeholder partnership to advance labour and human rights, decent jobs and fair and adequate incomes and wages within the agri-food sector has been formed by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and CARE International, the three organisations announced in July 2023.
The Decent Work for Equitable Food Systems Coalition is to promote decent and productive employment across food systems. Its priorities are based on the four pillars of the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda: rights at work, full and productive employment, social protection and social dialogue.
The Coalition will build partnerships with Member States, employers’ and workers’ organisations, civil society, business, international organisations, employment and labour institutions, and food systems communities. It provides a space to share and leverage experience on strategies needed to improve the working conditions and livelihoods of agri-food workers and promote sustainable enterprises in the sector.
Agri-food jobs are among most hazardous, unprotected and poorly paid. Two-thirds of those workers classified as ‘extremely poor’ are in agriculture. In some countries, agricultural workers are excluded from general labour legislation. They may therefore lack the rights and legal protections available to workers in other sectors.
The three organisations will build on their collective mandates to accelerate a substantial increase in impactful actions by stakeholders across food systems. Together, the coalition will deliver concrete progress on achieving a fairer and more equitable world of work for the 4.5 billion people dependent on food systems for their livelihoods.
More information:
Visit the website of the Decent Work for Equitable Food Systems Coalition
Read more on the ILO website