Atlas of African agriculture research and development

IFPRI’s recently published book perceives that the work of agricultural researchers and development workers in Africa has the potential to significantly improve the lives of the poor. But that potential can only be realised with easy access to high-quality data and information.

The ‚Atlas of African agriculture research and development’, recently published by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), highlights the collective role of smallholder agriculture in Africa, the many factors shaping the location, nature, and performance of agricultural enterprises,  and the strong interdependencies among farming, natural-resource stocks and flows, and the well-being of the poor.

The publicaton aims to  not only improve and simplify the work of agricultural researchers in Africa but also – through the timely and effective transformation of information and data – to positvely impact the lives of millions of rural poor.

Covering well over 30 topics under seven diverse themes (Political, demographic, and institutional classifications; Footprint of agriculture; Growing conditions; Role of water; Drivers of Change; Access to trade; Human welfare), the atlas is part of a wide-ranging eAtlas initiative that is to showcase, through print and online resources, a variety of spatial data and tools generated and maintained by a community of research scientists, development analysts, and practitioners working in and for Africa. 

The initiative aims to serve as a guide, with references and links to online resources to introduce readers to a wealth of data that can inform on efforts to improve the livelihoods of Africa’s rural poor.

More Information: eAtlas initiative                  Download Atlas


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