Successful debut of “EuroTier / EnergyDecentral digital”
The debut of "EuroTier / EnergyDecentral digital" from the 8th to the 12th February 2021was adjudged a great success by its organisers, the German Agricultural Society (DLG). More than 41,000 participants from around 128 countries accessed the digital platform during the four days of EuroTier. In addition to being able to access the offerings of around 1,200 participating companies, the visitors were able to take part in 300 specialist events and to conduct targeted networking with the industry. International participation was at 45 per cent.
"With 'EuroTier / EnergyDecentral digital', the DLG's new platform has successfully positioned itself as a digital business network and forum for professional exchange for the national and international agricultural industry,” said Reinhard Grandke, Chief Executive Officer of the DLG, in Frankfurt, Germany, adding that in future, this digital format would complement the DLG’s physical trade fairs.
Digital technical programme with convincing click rates
Under the guiding theme of "Farming in the food chain”, the organisers had set up a technical programme with eight parallel online video channels transmitting more than 300 interactive programmes that addressed relevant future topics affecting the global livestock sector and the decentralised energy supply industry. Visitors to the platform were able to interactively participate in numerous talk shows and discussion events. In total, the professional programme was visited around 83,000 times during the four days of the platform.
Highlights included digital industry events such as the International Poultry Event, the Cattle & Pig Event and the EuroTier and EnergyDecentral Innovation Award ceremony. The “DLG-Wintertagung” (DLG-Winter Conference), an important annual event for German farmers held this year in parallel on the DLG Digital Platform on the 11th February, and registered over 2,500 attendees.
"EuroTier / EnergyDecentral digital" was officially opened by German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Julia Klöckner, who in her opening speech encouraged farmers in Germany to participate in the new developments in agriculture and animal husbandry. Klöckner emphasised that it was not just technology or how to reduce the workload that constituted the topics of today, but, more importantly, the social acceptance of livestock farming and animal welfare.
1,200 exhibitors presented products and innovations
Using various multimedia tools, more than 1,200 exhibitors presented information in real-time on their range of products and services. Exhibitors were also able to network and engage directly with participants via chat and video meetings. In addition to offering new technologies and consulting for livestock farming, the companies' offerings included the upstream areas of livestock farming, such as breeding, techniques and farm input, as well as downstream areas like processing and distribution channels.
Some 200 exhibitors at EnergyDecentral presented innovative solutions for decentralised energy supply, e.g. for the production of biofuels, solid fuels, renewable energy such as photovoltaics, solar energy or wind power, but also technology and consulting for biogas plants.
Exceptional innovations presented by exhibitors eligible for a coveted gold or silver award were evaluated by an independent jury. The DLG innovation commission conferred the prestigious EuroTier and EnergyDecentral Innovation Awards to the winners during "EuroTIer / EnergyDecentral digital".
Content continues to be available "on demand”
All content of "EuroTier / EnergyDecentral digital" will be available on the digital platform from the 18th February to the 15th April. Participants will thus continue to have the opportunity to find out more about exhibitors' offerings as well as the content of the technical programme. Likewise, they can network with companies via text messages and contact requests, using the platform.
For more information:
Registration to digital platform of Eurotier/EnergyDecentral until 15th April
General information on Eurotier 2021 and EnergyDecentral 2021
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