Index 2012


Fragility – a huge challenge 1/2012 <LINK 1527>more...</link>
Cooperatives 2/2012 <LINK 1525>more...</link>
Organic farming 3/2012 <LINK 1523>more...</link>
Responsible investments in the food chain 4/2012 <LINK 1521>more...</link>


Keyword Page Issue
Laos: The rice paddy revolution 34 2/2012
Climate-smart agriculture: a strategy for addressing global food insecurity and climate change 36 3/2012
Acrocomia aculeata – a sustainable oil crop 41 3/2012
Skyfarming: Staple food for growing cities!? 44 3/2012
SRI – the solution for small farmers in India? 35 4/2012
Use it or lose it – Agrobiodiversity conservation in China 30 1/2012
<b>Climate change</b>    
Changing agriculture in a changing climate 14 3/2012
Climate-smart agriculture: a strategy for addressing global food insecurity and climate change 36 3/2012
Cooperatives – the magic bullet of poverty reduction? 6 2/2012
Cooperatives and their role in state and society 10 2/2012
A path of trial and tribulation – the case of Vietnam 13 2/2012
Rural cooperatives in the South: scope and limits 16 2/2012
Nicaragua: Cooperatives at the crossroads 20 2/2012
Farmer cooperative development in China – between organic development and state control 23 2/2012
Community banks: A chance for agribased African rural communities 26 2/2012
Self-help groups as a “value orientated solidarity association” – experiences from India 29 2/2012
The Raiffeisen idea – a model for sustainable development? 31 2/2012
Farmers’ self-help organisations – approaches towards managing in solidarity 32 2/2012
“Cooperative enterprises build a better world” 33 2/2012
<b>Ecosystem services</b>    
Striking a balance between forest, climate, and people? – Some lessons from Ecuador’s Socio Bosque Programme 38 4/2012
Used wind-power plants given a new lease of life in Gambia 36 1/2012
<b>Empowerment </b>    
Uganda: Mutual support groups surge ahead 33 1/2012
Empowering rural traditional sex-workers in Rajasthan 41 4/2012
<b>Food security </b>    
Strategies to feed the nine billion mouths 27 1/2012
Skyfarming: Staple food for growing cities!? 44 3/2012
<b>Food prices</b>    
The impact of increasing rice and maize prices on household income in northwestern Vietnam 41 1/2012
Strict protection of forests as a barrier to sustainable forest use? Impacts of landuse policy on small-scale agroforestry in the Philippine uplands 38 3/2012
Striking a balance between forest, climate, and people? – Some lessons from Ecuador’s Socio Bosque Programme 38 4/2012
<b>Fragility – a huge challenge</b>    
State fragility as a development policy challenge 6 1/2012
Rural development in high-risk and fragile contexts 10 1/2012
Breaking the silence – Coping with two conflicting parties in Nepal’s rural environment 14 1/2012
CEWARN: pioneering African regional co-operation to anticipate and prevent violent conflicts 18 1/2012
Managing rural recovery – Sri Lanka after the War 22 1/2012
Protecting schools, teachers, and students from attack 24 1/2012
Emergency measures or development? – Avian Influenza eradication projects in Indonesia 40 2/2012
<b>Land / Land acquisitions</b>    
Land deals and water: the underestimated dimension – a case study from Ethiopia 38 1/2012
Ensuring community land rights in a land investment-pressed country – the Community Land initiative in Mozambique 37 2/2012
Sustainable land grabs? Large-scale land transfers are not a development option 34 4/2012
<b>Organic farming</b>    
Organic agriculture in developing countries: status quo and challenges 6 3/2012
Organic agriculture and food security – not a contradiction 9 3/2012
Changing agriculture in a changing climate 14 3/2012
Standards and certification: means, not ends 18 3/2012
A viable alternative? – Production opportunities for small-scale farmers 22 3/2012
In brief: Sources of information 25 3/2012
Linking smallholders to organic supply chains: what is needed? 26 3/2012
Farming with a conscience: Organic vegetable production in the Philippines 29 3/2012
Challenges and opportunities for organic research and extension 32 3/2012
Organic agriculture – a development opportunity 35 3/2012
<b>Responsible investments in the food chain</b>    
Engaging smallholders in value chains: who benefits under which circumstances? 12 4/2012
Land investment for maximum impact 16 4/2012
Measuring the impact of investments 19 4/2012
Welfare effects of the spread of modern food supply chains 20 4/2012
The supermarket revolution and smallholder farmers 23 4/2012
Large-scale agro-processors in sub-Saharan Africa: A catalyst for pro-poor growth? 24 4/2012
The GIZ partnership farming approach: A future for smallholder farming? 28 4/2012
Contract farming: Some fundamentals to be considered in contract design 31 4/2012
Rural advisory services – an essential for successful investment 32 4/2012
<b>Rural Development</b>    
Uganda: Mutual support groups surge ahead 33 1/2012
Ensuring community land rights in a land investment-pressed country – the Community Land initiative in Mozambique 37 2/2012
Empowering rural traditional sex-workers in Rajasthan 41 4/2012
Improving livelihoods and resilience through community watersheds 44 4/2012
Land deals and water: the underestimated dimension – a case study from Ethiopia 38 1/2012
Improving livelihoods and resilience through community watersheds 44 4/2012