Vol. 54 No. 1/2020: Water for food and agriculture

Water is the basis of all life on Earth. Without water, agriculture, and hence food production, would not be possible, and this sector accounts for more than two thirds of global freshwater consumption. However, freshwater is a scarce resource. And it is becoming ever scarcer, also because of global warming effects. Here, clever solutions are needed, solutions ensuring that the scarce resource of water is used optimally while taking the needs of all stakeholders into consideration – in line with the “Leave no one behind” principle of the Sustainable Development Goals.
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Download edition 2020/01 Focus: "Water for food and agriculture" as PDF
- Moving from water problems to water solutions in a climate-challenged world
- Water for all – making SDG 6 a reality
- Rainwater harvesting – more than sound water management
- Water – a shared resource requiring inclusive water diplomacy
- Public-private partnerships in irrigation – how can smallholders benefit?
- Groundwater management: significance of rural well drillers underrated
- Capacity development for solar-powered irrigation
- Marginal-quality waters for irrigation in water-scarce areas
- Tackling agricultural water pollution – a 21st-century challenge
- On the way towards water stewardship – experience from Pakistan
- "The world we want tomorrow starts with how we do business today"
- The water footprint – a practical tool for water-resilient value chains and catchments