Vol. 53 No. 4/2019: Forests under threat

The world’s forests are under threat. Forest fires and deforestation are reaching frightening proportions. Even though considerable progress has been made in reforestation, this cannot obscure the simple fact that, at least in terms of tropical forests and primary forests, the net balance is negative – despite everyone being aware of the immense significance that forested landscapes in maintaining ecosystem equilibrium and for people’ livelihoods and well-being. Of course, besides seeking to draw attention to these worrying developments, our articles are above all meant to point to solutions. How can previously intact forest stocks be restored? What are the conditions that need to be created in order to avoid further deforestation and forest degradation? And above all, how can people in rural areas benefit from the environmental services of trees without a conflict arising between using and protecting the forest?
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Download edition 2019/04 Focus: "Forest under threat" as PDF
- Give forests the attention they deserve
- Forestry protection and conservation are very much about what you love
- Reaching zero deforestation in supply chains – why we need a jurisdictional approach
- Benefits beyond carbon – fifteen years of REDD+
- How to preserve the multifunctionality of forested landscapes
- First regreen mindscapes, then landscapes
- Africa is taking ecosystems and landscape restoration in its own hands
- Greening the desert
- Transforming community forestry policy and practice – a case study from Tanzania
Scientific World
- Can forest restoration solve climate change? New modelling approaches to support complex decisions
- Rainforest protection with contrary effects – high transaction costs can jeopardise the successful implementation of REDD+
- Land prices and expected deforestation in Brazil: The role of infrastructure and forest conservation policy