Organic prawns from Bangladesh
King prawns are a delicacy worldwide, but some breeding processes are responsible for extensive environmental damage, especially in mangrove forests. The widespread use of antibiotics also has a negative impact on human health. The cultivation of 'organic prawns' could be a real alternative.
The BioHatch project funded by Germany's Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology aims to support the technical development, planning and construction of a pilot plant for the efficient and ecological breeding of king prawns in Bangladesh. The focus of BioHatch lies in the complex breeding of the larvae. The problem here is that the larvae are not reared in brackish water like their older siblings, but instead require pure seawater during their initial phase of life. The two types of water, however, are usually far apart.
Three sub-projects have been launched to develop individual components for a larvae hatchery: a customised salt water supply on the basis of electrodialysis and photovoltaics, water treatment via biofiltration and sustainable induction of spawning and egg maturation with light and temperature protocols. After the integration of these three components in Kalinganj, Bangladesh, the aim is for the new technology to be refined and marketed.
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