Supporting low carbon energy development in Africa - the role of the African Development Bank
Economic, social and environmental development cannot be attained without adequate access to modern energy sources and services. The present high level of energy poverty in the continent is a barrier to the achievement of such development. The African Development Bank (AfDB), with its aim of creating an African continent that is free of poverty, is working in close collaboration with its regional member countries to alleviate this energy poverty. The Bank has invested significantly in this sector and will continue to do so. It has implemented programmes and projects to enhance the continent?s access to modern energy. The Bank's Climate Change Action Plan is meant to guide the implementation of climate change-related strategies to achieve energy access and undertake adaptation. The AfDB is also developing a Green Development Strategy which will contribute to supporting and promoting low carbon and climate change-resilient investments in African countries. In this regard, the development of clean energy and the promotion of low-carbon technologies will be central to the implementation of this strategy.
Anthony Nyong
Nogoye Thiam
Kurt Lonsway
African Development Bank
Tunis, Tunisia