Organic farming

Many years back the government of Sikkim – a small north-eastern Indian state in the Himalayan mountain region – had conceived the idea of going completely organic. Early this year, the project was put into practice. It…


Organic farming

In Nagapattinam district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, a group of organic farmers have set up a producer company on their own effort. These farmers have conserved 180 varieties of traditional rice eleven of which…


Organic farming

In India’s arid zones, farms are traditionally managed with no or very low chemical inputs. This “natural” organic production method helps maintain the fragile ecological balance but provides only low yields. The Central…


Organic farming

In the Karnataka state of India, the First Agro farm has more than 40 varieties of vegetables on sale, all of them free of chemical residues. Both hotels and restaurants as well as more and more retailers are…


Organic farming

The principles of organic farming were developed in Northern countries, largely in response to nutrient abuse in young, nutrient-rich soils. Consumers in the North are willing to pay for products with additional value…


Organic farming

Organic farming is not going to succeed in feeding the world’s growing population, its critics say. This is wrong, our author maintains, for there are numerous studies that refute the notion that conventional agriculture…


Organic farming

Changes in weather patterns are going to affect agriculture with impacts differing according to region. The developing countries can reckon with the first effects. The authors look at the role that organic agriculture…


Organic farming

Organic is not just about standards and certification. Organic is a holistic concept for sustainable development. To be properly understood, organic standards and certification should be viewed in the broader context of…


Organic farming

The question of whether a comprehensive conversion to organic farming is possible and appropriate on a global scale is the subject of lively international debate. While a shift on such a scale may be purely hypothetical…


Organic farming

Fostering organic supply chains is becoming of increasing interest to developing countries, since the demand for organic products is growing, providing market opportunities and premium prices for producers who comply…
