The more globalisation moves forward, the more complex the interplay between different stakeholders becomes. But what does this mean for the agricultural and food sector in rural areas in particular? A food system…


New cultures or cultivation methods can provide higher yields, better income prospects and more sustainable production. However, it is not always easy to convince farmers of the advantages and find first movers.



Agroecological approaches involve an alternative paradigm to business as usual agricultural and food systems with different goals, values and mindsets. In July 2019, the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the UN…


When the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration draws to a close, we will also have reached the target year of Agenda 2030, the year by which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ought to have been achieved. All of us…


Bicycle frames made of bamboo, kerosene made from algae, trainer soles out of rice husks – there seem to be an infinite number of ideas when it comes to replacing fossil, finite raw materials with renewable, seemingly…


Agriculture is a major contributing factor to climate change; at the same time, it is one of the areas most affected by climate change, which is jeopardising global food security. But is the significance of agriculture…


Fragility is a huge challenge for rural development – and a very multifaceted one. Fragile states are lagging especially far behind in achieving the SDGs. In what ways do fragile states inhibit the development of rural…


In this section you can find best practice examples, country studies and in-depth reports on German and international development cooperation.



Digital technologies hold a huge potential for poverty reduction and inclusive development in rural areas, as numerous success stories show: recommendations on crop growing and veterinary extension services for farmers,…


Many people in the Global South have no option to earn an income enabling them a life beyond poverty, let alone a decent living. The situation is particularly volatile in Africa, for the population there will double by…
