From our partners

Rural development

Rural development initiatives play a crucial role in uplifting the lives of people in remote areas and supporting agriculture production. But the vulnerability of ecosystems and rural communities is increasing.…

The CompensACTION Initiative for food security and a healthy planet, launched by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in 2022, is gaining momentum. It aims to financially compensate…


The fourth agricultural revolution is changing the way we produce and consume food. At the 6th International Rice Congress taking place in the Philippine capital Manila in October, experts from all over the world are to…


Forum Environment and Development’s mid-July event in its series "Trafotalk – Gespräche zu Transformativer Finanzpolitik" (Talks on Transformative Financial Policy) addressed the IMF Special Drawing Rights.


On the 16th May, the European Council passed the Regulation on deforestation-free products. This regulation is meant to ensure that in future, agricultural commodities consumed in the European Union have not led to…


The German Agriculture Society (DLG) in cooperation with the Belgian international “Women in Ag” magazine, offer an international award to women in agriculture. The deadline for submission is the 15th August 2023.


The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) global project "Promotion of Agricultural Finance for Agri-Based Enterprises in Rural Areas (ProFinA)" aims to enhance the provision of financial services…


Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze and Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir have announced Germany’s joining the world-wide Agroecology Coalition. One of its aims is to support partner countries in…

The year 2022 was replete with major challenges: climate disasters, the war of aggression against Ukraine, as well as energy and food crises. Switzerland's engagement made an important contribution to efforts to overcome…


When women have control over the resources of a household and manage the income, this usually leads to a more balanced and healthier diet for the family. But often, the decision-making power lies with the men. How can…